Patent, Invention, Innovation, Discovery (Our Definitions- Simplified)

A Patent is  a monopoly to make, sell and use a Product, Method, … for a number of years in a jurisdiction, if regarded Novel & Inventive. Novelty is based on Legally Worded Claims.  Inventive ( Non-Obvious) is largely Subjective, decided by examiners, based on volumes of unsuccessful attempts to define it.

For what we call an Invention,   Novelty means Technical Uniqueness, as seen not by lawyers but by Experts, not just from words, but visual and technical inspection. “Inventive” is established from Solutions, unattainable before, at least in the same way, No Certainty to conceive. 

Innovations are Novel but not Inventive, achievable by keen attempts with reasonable chance of success, such as variations of existing solutions.

Discoveries are uncovering what Exists but unknown, and are generally not patentable, unless combined with some method or device to utilize it.


To Patent or Not : 

Filing for Patent or Publishing an Inventions adds to public knowledge and pre-empts others from claiming it later to deprive even the original Inventor.  But obtaining a patent, fighting Patent examiners, disputers and violators is costly and draining.

A good policy is to file concepts but leave essential details & derivatives for close to commercialization.