Founder – Ahmad ( Tak) Amiri 

Inventor by profession and passion with numerous inventions in various fields, including electronics, automobiles, transport, construction, food, apps, education systems, financial instruments and business methods, some developed by his companies to alpha or beta phase. Operated a trade finance business before 2000. Prior to moving to Canada in 1990, owned a trade finance company, directed corporate holdings of one of the largest Iranian banks, was CEO of the bank’s leasing subsidiary, director at a number of bank associated companies in diverse fields including construction, development, hoteling, factoring, was director of Tehran Stock and taught at a number of post secondary institutions. Earned B.Sc. in Mathematics, M.Sc. in Statistics from Manchester and M.Sc. in OR & Computing from Leeds Universities, Associate of Society of Actuaries of America, top GRE, GMAT & Reasoning Scores, an 8 year Scholarship from Iran Central bank awarded to via national standardized university entrance exams and Recognition from the Crown at 13. Among early ventures was the first Open university in Iran at age 27, aborted by authorities. Semi professional command of corporate finance, securities, accounting, tax, insurance, risk management, intellectual property, patenting and law. Manages and plays in amateur soccer clubs.