Incubator to Develop & Monetize Our Numerous Inventions

A dedicated Business Cell Develops each set of related Inventions, while the Group avails Admin, Direction, Knowhow & Sales, aided by our Venture Fund.

Advantages & Novelties of Our Cell Structure to Develop & Monetize Multiple Inventions

  • Cells enjoy Advantages of both Incorporated & Non-corporate businesses, yet rare disadvantages
  • Cells don’t File Tax, CPP, EI, WCI, HST or Duty, unlike Corporate start ups
  • Cells Fund themselves by Cell Specific Crowdfunding via Tokens, Securities & Sales
  • Cell Specific Investors are Shielded from liabilities and failure of other Cells
  • Cells are Shielded from frivolous Patent & other lawsuits- unlike all other start ups
  • Cell’s Products, Tokens & Securities are Promoted & Sold by Sales Teams, in addition to Cells
  • Investors can Swap Tokens & Securities in a Cell for those of other Cells or those of our Fund
  • Valuation Engine for any Swap or Redemption of said Stakes
  • Various levels of Liquidity for Stakes in each Cell and the Fund
  • Investors, Buyers, Sellers, Sales Teams & Staff can deal with the Group and each Cell
  • Group Accounts, Tax Filings & Compliance are substantially Simplified

Coming Soon:

  • Liquidity for Investors’ Stakes via Blockchain ITO, ICO, IPO and other Venues
  • Unique Global (quasi) Patent System, free of governments & lawyers
  • Platform to avail above to other Inventors, Developers, Funders, Promoters, …
  • No need for Entrepreneurs to also Innovate, Fund, Manage, Develop, Sell, Admin, Comply,…